The Edwards Children

 The Edwards Children

Gwlithyn, Llewela, Rhoda
Llewela, Gwlithyn, Rhoda

With Ruth Saunders
With Archie and Ruth Saunders

Auntie Sally holding Sue Cooper, Beatie, 
Kathleen (Sally's daughter), Gwlithyn holding Gwladys, Llewela, Pat Cooper, Rhoda, Dorothy
Girls and Kittens

Paddling in the Pinsley Brook which ran through the fields at Cobnash
 Rhoda, Gwladys, Sue & Pam Cooper, Gwlithyn, Dorothy, ?, Llewela, David

On the wall of Cobnash Farm

David, Cynthia and Gwladys
Cynthia, Beatie, David, Nancy Jones and a random baby
David with RB and Cynthia

David, Beatie, Cynthia, George and Rhoda
Trevor, David, Dorothy, Gwlithyn, Mrs Roberts, Cynthia, Ken, Beatie and Yvonne
?, Dorothy, Cynthia, Rhoda, David, Gwladys
Dorothy, Beatie and Cynthia
Gwlithyn and Cynthia
Llewela, Dorothy, Gwladys, Cynthia, Gwlithyn, Rhoda

Rhoda, Gwladys, Cynthia, Gwlithyn, Dorothy, Llewela