Robert Jarman Edwards

 Robert Edwards

The memories of Robert that were told to Dorothy Moore by her father George Edwards.
A letter sent by Robert to his mother when he was in France in 1916. Part of the letter was censored. The letter is transcribed below the original.

Below is a letter sent to Robert from his mother in Sept 1917.

This was Annie's last letter to Robert in September 1917. They were looking forward to him coming home on leave

1917 - Sept 20th, Robert was killed in action at Langemarck near Ypres.

Robert's Memorial in Hamnish Church
Robert's name in the Memorial Book at Tyne Cot War Cemetery in Flanders.
His name on the Memorial Wall at Tyne Cot

Robert's name is also on the War Memorial in Kimbolton Churchyard, along with 16 other soldiers who died in the 1st World War
Roberts Sister Mollie, his neice Gwlithyn and his brother George, standing by his memorial

This Sign of Victory is set on a Homeland Hill
By the People of This Place in Perpetual Memory
Of the Shining Sacrifice of the Men who Crossed the Seas
In Defence of Our Homes and Liberties 1914 – 1918