
Gwlithyn Dinah Beatrice
1921 - 25th July, Gwlithyn Dinah Beatrice was born.
Beatie with Gwlithyn at Upper Mill
Beatie and Gwlithyn

Gwlithyn went to Kingsland School, the next village to Cobnash.

Gwlithyn, third from the left
Gwlithyn in the middle

1943 Gwlithyn married Barry Davies.
Barry and Gwlithyn at St Luke's church, Stoke Prior
Roland Davies (brother), Barry, Gwlithyn and Llewella

Barry with one of his pigs
Downs Villa, Kimbolton
Downs Villa
Downs Villa with one of the many paying guests that came for holidays
The farmyard at Downs Villa
Downs Villa today
Yvonne and Trevor
Trevor and Yvonne
Trevor and Yvonne
Gwlithyn with Yvonne and Trevor at the seaside
Trevor, Gwlithyn and Yvonne
Barry with Trevor and Yvonne
Barry with Yvonne, Trevor and someone else
Barry and Gwlithyn
Gwlithyn and Dorothy

1988 - Barry John Davies died.
2010 - 30th July, Gwlithyn Dinah Beatrice Davies died.

Gwlithyn and Barry are buried in St Dubricius Church, Hamnish